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 Women in India Index
The Women in India Index cards formerly comprised a subset of the Hodson Index at the National Army Museum. Compiled originally by the author of Hodson’s List Officers of the Bengal Army 1754-1834 (4 vols, 1927-1947) and bequeathed to the NAM after his death, the full index contained biographical and service data on the families and officers of all the East India Company’s armies and was continued to 1947 by other researchers, principal among them Lieutenant-Colonel (Hubert) Kendall Percy-Smith. As part of the incorporation of data after Colonel Kendal Percy-Smith's death when he too bequeathed his papers to the National Army Museum, it appeared that the information on these cards was also available in the main Hodson index, albeit traceable by male relations. They were thus duplicate to NAM's requirements and so these 'female' cards were passed to the Society of Genealogists.

Hodson contributed many valuable articles to the journal Bengal Past and Present and to the Genealogists’ Magazine including a series of articles “Some Families with a Long East India Connection” Many of the Women in India cards may reference these and his work on the Officers of the Bengal Army which, according to his obituary in the Genealogists’ Magazine, is “packed with biographical and genealogical information on may thousands persons, sprung from all levels of society. Here we find the sons, [wives and daughters] of plumbers, glaziers and hairdressers rubbing shoulders with a natural son of Frederick Prince of Wales and with the young aristocracy of the eighteenth century”.
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Women in India index (spouses)
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