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 The Great Card Index Section A
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The dataset of the Great Card Index section A.
This dataset contains entries for people referenced in the A section, and this includes many people whose surnames do not begin with A.
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The Great Card Index Ale-Ap-1
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Displaying 1701 to 1750 of 3628 results

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Subscribe to view detail Coxe    
Subscribe to view detail Alsett Ann 1745
Subscribe to view detail Harvey Joseph 1745
Subscribe to view detail Allwright   1759
Subscribe to view detail Allwright Aron 1792
Subscribe to view detail Allwright Charles 1722
Subscribe to view detail Cappelman Mary 1722
Subscribe to view detail Alwright Elizabeth 1681
Subscribe to view detail Alwright John 1681
Subscribe to view detail Alwright Frances 1681
Subscribe to view detail Allwright Fawmia 1870
Subscribe to view detail Chiozza Joseph A 1870
Subscribe to view detail Money Leo George Chiozza 1870
Subscribe to view detail Alwright Frances 1763
Subscribe to view detail Smithe John 1763
Subscribe to view detail Allwright Isaac 1770
Subscribe to view detail Winterbottom Ann 1770
Subscribe to view detail Alwright James 1766
Subscribe to view detail Alwright John 1775
Subscribe to view detail Cort Henry 1775
Subscribe to view detail Alwright James 1742
Subscribe to view detail Alwright Richard 1742
Subscribe to view detail Alwright Jane 1742
Subscribe to view detail Alwright James 1747
Subscribe to view detail Alwright Richard 1747
Subscribe to view detail Alwright Jane 1747
Subscribe to view detail Allwright James 1802
Subscribe to view detail Allwright William Lewis 1802
Subscribe to view detail Allwright Mary 1802
Subscribe to view detail Allwright Jane 1750
Subscribe to view detail Burnett John 1750
Subscribe to view detail Allwright John 1674
Subscribe to view detail Allwright Francis 1674
Subscribe to view detail Alright John 1676
Subscribe to view detail Allright John 1688
Subscribe to view detail Allright Frances 1688
Subscribe to view detail Alwright John 1678
Subscribe to view detail Alwright John 1685
Subscribe to view detail Allwright John 1763
Subscribe to view detail Holmes Sarah 1763
Subscribe to view detail Allwright Joseph 1757
Subscribe to view detail Hopkinson Mary 1757
Subscribe to view detail Allwright Louisa 1782
Subscribe to view detail Cordery William 1782
Subscribe to view detail Alwright Mary 1721
Subscribe to view detail Alwright Mary 1721
Subscribe to view detail Alwright Mary 1721
Subscribe to view detail Alwright Mary 1721
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