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 Cape Town (English church, later Cathedral of St George)
Transcript of the church registers at the English church (later St George's cathedral), Cape Town. Transcribed by Charles Fison.

The Military Chaplain and the Civil chaplain kept separate registers, and it is advisable to search both. The Military Chaplain's register does not appear to have any entries from 1818-1823.

Private Christenings ( often illegitimate) were listed separately but have been incorporated here and indicated with a * in the date field. A * in the BRAC field indicates that the person is mentioned in the book 'British Residents at The Cape'


B = Bombay
BRAC = Mentioned in the book British residents at the Cape
CMR = Cape Mounted Rifles
CS = Civil Service
d = Daughter
DD = Doctor of Divinity
HCCS = Hon. Co. Civil Service
HE = His Excellency
HEICo = Honourable East India Company
HP = half pay
LD = Light Dragoons
MA = Master of Arts
MD = Medical Doctor
MSH = Merchant Seaman's Hospital
QM = Quarter Master
RA = Royal Artillery
RC = Roman Catholic
RE = Royal Engineers
RM = Royal Marines
RN = Royal Navy
RSM= Royal Sappers & Miners
s = Son
SB = Scotch Brigade
SH = Somerset Hospital
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Military marriages 1796-1803
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